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The Harbinger

Your Story. Your Voice. Your Paper.

The Harbinger

Your Story. Your Voice. Your Paper.

The Harbinger

Curious Campus

What is the hawk curious about today? The Harbinger’s Curious Campus section seeks to answer questions asked by YOU. Our journalists and contributors will set out to investigate answers submitted by our readers on any topic related to Harper College: history, campus, student life, education, people and whatever else might spark your curiosity! Check out recent questions and answers below. 


What was the very first play produced by the Harper Theater Department? 


What is the oldest club or student activity group at Harper College?


Why does Harper not offer bachelor’s degrees?


There are rumors that there are tunnels under Harper—is that true?


How did Harper acquire such a robust art collection? Who are some of the most famous artists on display?


How did “Harper” select William Rainey Harper as its name?


How many students have graduated from Harper College since its inception?


What is the oldest publication currently in the Harper Library?


Who designed the Harper Logo? Does it have any special meaning besides looking like the letter H?


What is the most popular course taken by students?


How did the buildings get their letters and why are they out of order?


Curious Campus Submission

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