Campus Weekly Update 9.23.19
Harper College’s Student Government Association (SGA) meets each week to discuss important issues relevant to student life. Below is a summary of their meeting minutes from September 9th, 2019, originally recorded by Dylan Hildebrand, SGA Chief of Staff.
- SGA Elections are postponed once again for next week’s meeting.
- The Renewable Energy Project Team will be communicating with campus architect Steve Peterson over the coming week.
- Dylan Hildebrand updated SGA on the status of the Chosen Names update for Harper’s Blackboard. Harper will soon update their site to allow students’ names to appear as their preferred name instead of their legal name. There’s been a delay as Blackboard doesn’t yet have this update ready to put into action.
- Dr. Proctor will be attending the September 30th meeting to discuss SGA’s restructuring and current goals.
- Student Veterans is hosting the KARE-9 therapy dogs event on Wednesday from 12-2pm.
- Latinos Unidos is also hosting “Conchas, Chisme y Chocolate” serving hot chocolate and Mexican sweet bread on Wednesday in A Building from 1-3pm.
- Pilates in Español will be held this Thursday 12:15-1pm in the library and Friday 7-8AM in the Health & Rec Center.
- You can follow Harper SGA @harpercollege.sga
Thanks again to Dylan Hildebrand and the Student Government Association for sharing this week’s meeting minutes with The Harbinger Student Newspaper.

Izzy is majoring in Sociology and is interested in studying linguistics and anthropology. Her superpower of choice would be the ability to read minds.