Lost in the shuffle
I’m lost in the shuffle in a deck of cards.
A rotating, good-for-nothing image
circling aimlessly and endlessly in the pack
of the masses
And clad in a patterned cloak a-
round my neck, with smoothed-out edges
cut to fit the stack.
I carefully curated my crowned queen
With curly Q corners and hungry hearts
galore, seeking to be adored and seen,
but scared to be pursued when love first starts.
In trying to look like
the rest of the cards in the deck
I got lost in the shuffle between plays.
This game called love
requires truth at best —
in all of our ways.
By returning to who I was before the game,
I hope I can learn to love myself again
Within my own heart this time —
not on the outskirts
of a lonely queen of hearts
lost in the shuffle in a deck of cards.
Adriana writes feature stories, news stories and editorials for The Harbinger.